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Tag: anxiety

Adventuring with Anxiety

Adventuring with Anxiety

This is a day-in-the-life snippet of how anxiety can affect me.  I want you to know you can adventure alone, as a woman, as a person with anxiety and panic attacks, and still have it be a good experience.  September 29, 2018 I should have moved my camper to another spot here when I had the chance. Now it’s too late – all the spots are full and it’s dark outside. It’s been five hours and I haven’t been able…

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Mind Games in Big Bend

Mind Games in Big Bend

Solo camping navigating. I’ve been trying to teach Pugsly, but she just wants to sleep. Ow. Don’t mess with Texas. I learned to use duct tape to get those near invisible prickly pear prickers out! Works! It took me two hours to go 10 miles to my new campsite. It’s great! The Chisos mountains and the doggies are my companions. I got to do some outdoor reading, but this giant orange threatening wasp looking creature kept hovering around me, so…

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