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Tag: ocean

Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Fort Walton Beach, Florida

February 7, 2017 Fort Walton Beach, Florida I will dream of this ocean and of it’s beautiful unyielding song when I am locked away in a florescent cubicle in the middle of America. I will dream of this ocean and of it’s beautiful unyielding song when I am chasing my ideals down two-lane highways lined with forest. I will dream of this ocean when I am lying unable to sleep in a stuffy bedroom on the third floor of a brick…

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Oct 9 : Still Yachats

Oct 9 : Still Yachats

My friend’s next door neighbor (now deceased) bought his property in order to preserve the forest there. He created an actual Preserve, and it’s phenomenal. When walking the well-kept paths, I feel like I’m in a fairy tale complete with trolls and fairies and wood nymphs. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera in the truck during our walk, so all I had was my cell phone. I was not able to do justice to this magical place. This was actually at…

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