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Tag: Goblin Valley

Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona

Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona

Sunday, December 18, 2016 Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona It reminded me a lot of Goblin Valley in Utah. Neat! I rolled a 5 = go to the nearest border. That’s New Mexico tomorrow! Monday, December 19, 2016 I’m afraid of heights, so every time I come across a name or a map of “something Pass” I get nervous. But I keep going over them anyway. Learning my truck’s low gears and giving myself permission to be the slowest person on…

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Oct 19: Valley of the Gods

Oct 19: Valley of the Gods

At the Goblin Valley group campsite, a couple of tent campers showed up, and three RVs. Everyone was great. We all had similar experiences with a cranky Ranger at the gate, and were happy to be parked. Goblin Valley is great! You can drive up to a lookout point, and then clamber down in amongst the goblins! Argos and I took a walk down there, and I carried Pugsly down for a brief photo shoot. She’s a pin-up model! On my…

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Oct 18: Goblin Valley

Oct 18: Goblin Valley

I left the campground down this rocky, twisty road into Cathedral Valley. Argos wants to know why I keep stopping. He does not fully appreciate the beauty behind him. I pulled something in my lower left back area yesterday and today am in considerable discomfort.  Once I got parked in Group Parking at Goblin Valley Campground, I took some ibuprofens, stretched, and after a short rest, took Argos for a 1.5 mile walk on a canyony path towards Goblin Valley….

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