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Category: family

Thoughts on 2018

Thoughts on 2018

A little recap: In May 2017 I was offered a position with IBM in Columbia, Missouri and relocated back to the Midwest. That month I adopted a little Shih-tzu I named Sullivan (aka Sully) after the small town in SE Missouri from where he was found. I enjoyed my time in Columbia, Mo., and my work at IBM. In July 2018 I had the opportunity to work remotely and went back on the road with my two dogs, Argos…

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Destination : Home

Destination : Home

I left you off at Tucson after finding the puppy dog, Trinity – now renamed Kaya, after Kayenta, the closest town in Arizona from where I found her.  I decided to relocate to Tucson. It made a logical sense – southwest where I love to camp and explore, university town, not too large a city but big enough to have lots to keep me entertained and fed, a good motorcycle community I could easily plug into…. But things kept not…

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Not All Who Wander are Lost…unless they are

Not All Who Wander are Lost…unless they are

Synchronicities and decisions. After a nice visit, I left my friend’s house in middle-of-nowhere-not-far-from-Breckenridge Colorado. It had snowed for two days, first day had melted off, but forecast showed much more on the way. It was time to skedaddle.  If I had remembered that another friend lived in southern Colorado, I would have gone to visit him and his wife. Instead, I drove to Valley of the Gods, UT., one of my most favorite places, found this heart at a…

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One thing about being on the road is that you often don’t have an accurate timeline of your travels. You might find an amazing spot in a rainforest and decide to stay several days instead of your originally planned two nights. The drive towards the next location might have construction and take hours longer than expected, so you stop many miles sooner than what you’d thought. You see a mystery dirt road off to the West and decide to go…

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Old friends

Old friends

After I left Spokane, I continued on my friend visit adventure and headed West to see some folks I knew when I lived in Seattle 1990 – 1994.  Many years ago, they moved just outside the small Washington town of Rockport, Wa. in the North Cascades, on the edge of the North Cascades National Park.  I got set up out front, nestled amongst the flower beds.  Then the dogs and and I took a hike on a trail just up…

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Making plans

Making plans

In three parts. I. I’ve been ruminating this past week about what to do with all my stuff. I have a small Uhaul storage unit for my climate controlled items (books, mostly), and my motorcycles and garage stuff is at a friend’s place. It’s tempting to just donate it all, but the problem is … I rather like my books, have a couple of boxes of dad paperwork and photos, my truck rear seats that I took out when I…

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