winter travels

winter travels

It’s official.
I will be on the road come early December.
Holy cow.
No job, no ‘home base’, no real plans.

As a friend reminded me,

You can always make more money but you can’t make more time.
“If you don’t do it this year you’ll be another year older when you do”
~ Warren Miller

It’s time to leave the caustic workplace, and the lonely rental.
Me ‘n the dogs are going on the road.

Since it’s winter, a Southern route is loosely planned.
The loose plan is to meander my way to Richmond, Va. with visits to friends along the way, and campering at state and national parks…then home to family.

Something like that.

I’m not ready to give up some of my ‘stuff’ just yet and, as much as I hate paying to store stuff, I don’t plan to be on the road forever (and where would I keep my Tacoma rear seats?!).

I’m scared, excited, nervous, cold-footed, and already feeling a bit lighter.

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